Studio Work. Construction and Detailing. Office Practice

Friday 30 November 2012

week 28

Dear Reader

1.Ingrid-Public Housing expert. 2.Zama-Project manager. 3.Xolisani-LED Co-ordinater. 4.Akhona-Office admininstaror 6.Moegsien-Town Planner.  7.Nokukhanya-Development Officer 

1. Helen-Project manager. 2. Micheal-Construction Manager. 3. Nkanyezi- Intern. 4. Willard-Researcher 

Its been a planning week in the DAG universe. This week we had Strategic Planning Workshops for financial year 2013/2014. It was a drag however we have to get it done because without planning there cannot be any implementation, so it is important to plan ahead so that there wont be any unforeseen problems. Just like doing a Building Plan. First You look at the problem, then analyse the given, what You have to work with. Then have a strategy on how the problem will be solved there after discuss the options then decide on the final design. I learned a lot through those sessions. in order to have a smooth ride, you must make sure you cover all the comers cross the t's and dot the i's.

Friday 9 November 2012

another week at DAG

Dear Reader.

The past few week/s have been hectic. Organizing a Ceremonial event: Launching A Case Study and Show casing the work of Unblocking the Khayelitsha PHP.
Getting Plans submitted to council at Stocks & Stocks in Khayelitsha.

The one thing i would like to share with you; is a submission of a particular plan.

Last week i was prioritising a plan of an elderly woman who was on her death bed. She had been waiting for over 20 years for a house from govt. to no avail. Trough our unblocking project she was able to speed up the process. We moved her up  the list because of her dire condition. We managed to submit her plan, after a lot of red tape. When I was relaxed, thinking that it will only be a few weeks until she will be in her brand new house, our Administrator told me that she had passed away, just when her house plan was submitted.

The building inspector had previously said we can continue with with the construction even though we don't have a plan but the he went back on his word and there was futher delay. This remimnded me again that this is not just about buildings but peoples lives.
I feel so bad about it.